Healing citrus trees with nutrients and detoxification
This field research project would include four major protocols to maintain productivity of citrus trees
infected with HLB. Objectives:
- Provide major nutrient and micronutrient nutrition via soil and foliar application, as needed.
- Remediate soil toxicity and low fertility under trees.
- Attempt to cleanse citrus phloem and sieve tube circulation impaired by HLB bacterium exudates.
- Reduce possible contaminants in water used for foliar applications.
Project time span:Three growing seasons.
Test area: Equivalent of four producing grove areas of two to five acres, within established groveswhich are not treated with this protocol.
Location: Central Florida, with four test sites within 40 miles of each other and conveniently accessible to coordination from Ft. Pierce. Groves would be private, commercial property with the cooperation of the owner/operators.
Supervision and advisory team:
- Field coordinator and data management — Travis Murphy, citrus crop consultant and owner.
- Nutrition consultant — Dr. Don Huber, and others at request of Dr. Huber
- Product and equipment suppliers —
- Nutrients: Jarrett Chambers, ATP Nutrition
- Soil remediation: Frank Dean, product development manager at LidoChem, Inc. of Houston, Texas, and Performance Nutrition
- Surfactant/transporters: Erik and Jerry Carlson, Generation Ag LLC and Renewable Farming LLC. Products: Variants of WakeUP formulated for citrus.
- Water quality: Vatché Keuftedjian, Pursanova Corporation
- Sap and tissue analysis: Laboratories as needed, including Crop Health Labs of Ohio,USDA and University of Florida.
- Grove owners/cooperators — To be determined.
- Tissue analysis changes, versus untreated trees
- Visual observations of leaf flush and fruit retention, versus untreated trees
- Yield
- Composition of fruit including sugars
- Soil toxicity including glyphosate levels
- Soil fertility via complete NPK and micronutrient tests, conductivity and other measures